Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Enjoying our pie...
Tami slicing up the pie for everyone...

Tami's pie and notice the crust lol...

Anna's pie crust...

My pie crust from the day before and then the goodies added today...

Tami rolling the dough into a ball...

Anna cutting off the extra dough off the edges...

Tami making her crust...

Reading the directions from Ginger on making the pie crust...

As you all know I'm trying to learn to cook. I mentioned a week or so to Tami that I wanted to try and make some pies. I think over forty years ago Tracie and I tried and that was a blast but the pie never came about lol. We could bounce that dough off the walls but such sweet memories and so much laughter for me with Tracie. So I never tried again but mainly cause its hard to use a rolling pin with just one hand lol. Well, Tami and the kids came over and we made our pies. We had a hard time rolling out the dough and then we remembered we made enough dough for four pies. So we divided it and it was much easier. I think the dough might have been handled to much but I have to keep in mind I'm in pie 101 or maybe minus 101 lol lol. The left over dough I showed them how to make the cinnamon log rolls and they really enjoyed them. Then we had to make the lemon goodies for the pies while the crust was in the oven. Since we had lemon juice left over one of the girls said we could make lemonade. I said sure and they did a great job. But then we were in a pickle cause we needed that juice for the pudding. So we got the lemons again that had been squeezed and tried to get more juice out of them and Tami did. Tami and the girls made the meringue and it probably should have been more fluffy but it tasted great. All in all I had fun with them and now I have some new memories with Tami and the kids and everyone seemed to like the lemon meringue pie. I think I still need help from Ginger and Lindsay and Liisa's Mom and anyone else out there lol lol. Thanks Ginger cause your pie crust is a "never fail one" until I got a hold of it lol lol...
Love to everyone...


Ginger said...

That is just tooooo funny! Looks like everyone had fun making the pies even though you had some confusing "Grin"....hey that is a no fail crust...I've made it for over 40 years now "LOL" with no problems. Can't wait to hear about your next one. Loved the pictures!!!! Ginger

Vickie said...

Yes I know its a No Fail Pie Crust but I made it fail lol. No, I know I will get better. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? lol. We did have fun and brought great memories of the times I had with Tracie. (tears flowing)Miss you all and thanks again...

John said...

How many Oregonans does it take to make a pie? Looks like a whole bunch to me!!!! LOL

Vickie said...

Looks like a lot John and we needed you to lol...

T blog said...

shut your pie holes!

Grandma of Many said...

Thanks for the great post Vickie. I loved the pictures and the comments. You can do it!!! Looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow. See you than. Love, Dottie

Vickie said...

Your welcome Dottie and I think we had fun. Tami reminds me of Tracie in so many ways. Cya tomorrow and Travis just called and now getting in late tonight. ;o(. Going to be another tired day for him tomorrow. Maybe he can catch up on some sleep Friday. It will be fun being with family...Love you!!!

Bob Thorp said...

Vickie - you think you still might need some advice on making pies? Next time, go to Marie Calender's and buy them!!!

Vickie said...

LOL Bob you are just to funny. But don't they cost an arm and a leg but they are sure good?

Anonymous said...

teacherofmany.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.